April Recap



…we got COVID this month… and it sucked. 🤒🤧 My husband got sick a few days after my birthday, and I lasted a week before I started showing symptoms (I was starting to think I wouldn’t get it, however, I didn’t get so lucky). About 4 days in bed followed by a week and a half on the couch popping lots of vitamins/supplements, drinking lots of fluids and fighting off fatigue. I watched a LOT of movies, played my Nintendo Switch (which I hadn’t picked up in awhile… yay Animal Crossing and Super Mario Galaxy!) and had a few moments where I felt I had enough energy to pull out my iPad and draw. I definitely did not work on Immersion, so I fell behind… but it’s okay, because I’m on my own timeline. This just means I will have to go a couple weeks into May to finish going through all the course material. That’s perfectly acceptable… I can be okay with that… I have to be! 😅

And while I couldn’t keep up with the scheduled release of the modules, I still enjoyed listening to the Q&A’s with Bonnie every Monday/Wednesday/Friday and popping into the community here and there. Also, my beautiful student packet finally arrived!! Only 5 weeks late, but it was worth the wait! I had a lot of fun opening up the last two envelopes with everyone else in the course! ☺️

My Immersion Student Pack finally arrived! 🥳

Matcha got something special in the mail too! 😉

April 27th was the official graduation ceremony for Immersion, and while I didn’t quite feel the closure I should have (because I hadn’t finished everything yet) it was such a lovely experience. Bonnie had written each student’s name on a piece of seed paper at the beginning of the course, and she shared a video with us of her going out to her garden and planting each one. What a beautiful gesture! We have all come so far just by taking this step to learn and grow in our creative journeys, and now there will be flowers growing in Bonnie’s garden in honour of that. I may have gotten a little teary eyed… 😭

Bonnie’s wall with each student’s name written on a piece of seed paper. My name is there somewhere! ☺️

Here are a few illustrations from the challenges I managed to participate in this month. I wish I could’ve done more, but I’m just happy I was able to draw a little bit while I was sick!

Now that we are on the mend, I’m happy to leave April behind… looking forward to having more energy to get more things done in May! 😄